About Us:

In Due Time Is a publication featuring a group of students passionate about designing for western sydney.

This student-led magazine began in late 2022 with issue 01. Issue 01 of In Due Time Magazine presents the beginning of a new architectural legacy of Sydney. Brought together by students passionate about designing for the Western Sydney landscape and re-inventing the perceptions and assumptions of our home. These issues feature works from current architecture students, alumni's, experienced designers and various artists living in Sydney. We also showcase our annual architecture exhibition, partnering up with the Beyond Architecture student group team to promote WSU's talented students.

Founder and Director: Amanda Eessa
Co-founder and Editor:  Mary Anne Yosef
Media and Content Director: Leo Shbla
Graphics Advisor: Aengus Sherriff

To submit articles, artworks and drawings; fill out the form below or reach out to various online social accounts.


Fill out the form or just email us at induetime.magazine@gmail.com or DM (instagram) at induetime_magazine
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